An Update on Mary F. Pecci, M.A.

During this time of COVID there are many changes happening around us. In September of this year my dear aunt Mary passed away at the age of 88. Shortly after her departure we realized the importance and impact of her amazing works.

Mary lived life pursuing her true passion of teaching reading to anyone and everyone. Growing up she taught all of the "kids" and once we had children of our own she took them aside as well. Little did we know her method was being used globally by thousands of readers. 

After being dissatisfied with the current reading methods used by the public school system back in the 1970s she quit her job as a teacher and developed her own reading method, At last! A Reading Method for Every Child! She created a system that allows the reader to easily decode text by using only one sound for each letter or letter-combination. In addition, she meticulously created direct dialogue between the teacher and student for each word introduced to make it easy for teachers, parents and home schoolers to use the method.

Readers love this program! After conquering the pre-requisites children and adults can start reading fun stories! Along with the readers she went a step further in creating 7 Super Seatwork workbooks to drive home the skills in a fun way. Kids get hooked on the workbooks!

She adamantly and loudly announced that her method was 100% effective. Mary actively recruited "difficult" and ESL readers to transform with her method because she knew it would work. 

In the 80s she spent a year volunteering in San Quentin prison teaching two illiterate prisoners on a dare. Her book, A Rescue from Illiteracy (at San Quentin Prison), detailing this story is due to be released early next year.

Please feel free to reach out to us, visit the website, or just stay tuned in for more updates!

Stay well!


Caroline Burns

CEO, Pecci Educational Publishers